
Transitional Justice in the Arab World Research Clinic (TJRC)

idea IDEA: The idea of the Transitional Justice Research Clinic (TRJC) is to map the ongoing justice and truth seeking processes in the Arab world after the Arab uprisings.The Mubarak trial in Egypt, proceedings of the International Criminal Court regarding Libya or the debate about a Transitional Justice law in Yemen have been raising attention to how Arab societies and the international community are approaching the transformation of the region through Transitional Justice processes.
target AIM: The aim of the TJRC is to provide a live insight into the developments in the Arab world by following the ongoing trials and truth seeking efforts as well as making background material on Transitional Justice and dealing with the past in the region accessible in Arabic and English.
features FEATURES: Among others, the TJRC web platform ( entails an interactive timeline comparing the different justice processes in the region, it also comprises a digital library with key official documents (e.g. Transitional Justice draft laws, official fact finding reports) and a Transitional Justice toolbox with comprehensive bibliographies, handbooks and multimedia content to support research.
small-group-icon STUDENT INVOLVEMENT: The TJRC is based on the work of students, which collect news articles on the various countries in focus (Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen) and research existing material for the digital library and toolbox. Students also have the opportunity to publish their own class papers on the platform at the end of the semester.
world COLLABORATION: The TJRC is an initiative bringing together a broad range of universities,  international professionals (UN, international organizations) and researchers from all around the Arab world.